Great Danes

Gardet, Georges

Georges Gardet (1863-1939)

Gardet studied under Aime Millet and Fremiet and created powerful animal sculptures. His initial promise was revealed in the Panther and Lion group in the Parc Montsouris in Paris which was shown at the Salon des Artistes Francais in Paris in 1887. This helped to establish him as a worthy successor to Barye and Mene. Other notable works include Tiger and Bison decorating the entrance of the Museum de Laval.

Gardet reveived many awards: a commendation in 1886; a bronze medal in 1887; a silver medal in and a travel bursary in 1889. He was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour in 1896 and awarded Officer status in 1900.

At the Expostition Universelle in Paris in 1900 he received the Grand Prize for a group of lions and a group of tigers, both executed for the Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte. He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais of which he became a member. In 1918 he was made a member of the Academy des Beaux-Arts.

Museums and Galleries:

Bucherest (National Art Museum of Romania): Two Panthers

Hamburg: The Precursor

Paris (Orsay Museum): Panthers Fighting

Reference: Benezit - Dictionary of Artists

Great Danes by Georges Gardet (1863-1939)

A pair of dark green patinated bronze Great Danes.

Great Danes c.1910   Signed: Gardet   Foundry: Colin  

Length: 23.5 cm   Height: 13 cm

Our ref IP40

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