
Drouot, Edouard

Edouard Drouot ( 1859-1945)

Drouot studied under Emile Thomas and Mathurin Moreau and exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1889. His work is distinguished by a great variety of themes and a strong sense of movement and expression, making him one of the most exceptional sculptors of the late 19th / early 20th centuries. He sculpted both male and female figures as well as busts and mythological subjects.

Notable bronzes include L'Amour Naturel, Baigneuse, L'Echo, La Fortune and Homme combattant un fauve. A number of his pieces were cast by the Thiebault foundry








The Footballer by Edouard Drouot (1859-1945)

Finely cast bronze model of a football player on antique green
marble base.

Footballer c. 1910   Signed: E. Drouot   Height: 37 cm

Our ref 1560

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