


Agathon, Leonard
Agathon Leonard (Leonard Van Weydeveld) (1841-1923)
Aizelin, Eugene

Eugene Aizelin (1821-1902)

A student at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1844 he began his training under Ramey and Dumont. Aizelin exhibited a plaster work of Sapho at the Salon of 1852. His later pieces helped him to win a second-class medal in 1861, a third-class medal at the Expositon Universelle in 1878, and a Gold Medal at the Exposition Universelle in 1889.

He sculpted biblical and mythological subjects, characters from opera and effigies of Saints. Notably his work was commissioned for the Opera, the Hotel de Ville and the Louvre in Paris. The Luxembourg museum owns one of his groups in marble, Agar and Ismael, and a statue in bronze, Judith.

Aizelin died at the beginning of 1902 in Paris, 10, rue Gay-Lussac, in the house he had lived in for the past thirty years. He was preceeded by his wife, Sophia Berger, a painter who exhibited at the Salon from 1847 to 1870.







Henri Allouard (1849-1949)

Allouard studied under Lequesne and Schanewerk and exhibited both paintings and sculpture, including a number of busts in plaster , marble and bronze at the Salon from 1865 to 1928.

Notable works include Moliere Mourant in marble which is currently housed  in the collection of the Montpellier Museum. In 1889 Allouard was invited onto the Sculpture and Decorative Arts judging panel. In addition he was awarded a Gold Medal in 1900.





Alonzo, Dominique

Dominique Alonzo

Flourished in the early part of the twentieth century. Alonso was a pupil of Falguiere and exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Français in Paris from 1912 onwards. He worked mainly in chryselephantine (gilded bronze and ivory). His early work is very much in the nineteenth century tradition, although his later work evolved in style considerably.

Reference: Bryan Catley - Art Deco and Other Figures




Italian sculptor of the early 20th century
Amendla, Giovannni Batista
Giovanni  Batista Amendla (1848-1887)

Italian sculptor who worked with Baciloani at the Academy of Fine Arts in Naples. One of his
most well-known works, Autumn, a bronze sculpture, was bought by the National Gallery of 
Modern Art in Rome.
Between 1879-1886 he exhibited a well-received series of busts at the Royal Academy in London.
Ancilotti, Torello

Torello Ancilotti  ( 1844-1899) 

Italian Sculptor and Painter,

Ancilotti trained in Italy and exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais from 1884, despite not being French.

Although predominantly a sculptor he also painted landscapes. Notable sculptures includs a plaster 'Angler', a portrait bust 'Mr Sasle' also in plaster and 'Dr Magitot' which was shown at the Salon of 1882).

Artistic recognition came relatively late to Ancilotti but he was awarded a Bronze medal at the World Exposition in Amsterdam 1883 and a Bronze medal at the Exposition Universelle, Paris 1889.

Reference: Benezit - Dictionart of Artists




Anfrie, Charles
Exhibited at the Salon des Beaux Arts from 1883-1895 and is primarily noted for his genre and military sculptures.
Arson, Alphonse

Alphonse Alexandre Arson

Born in 1822 Arson studied sculpture under Joseph Combette and exhibited at the Paris Salon between 1859-1880. He often portrayed animals, particularly wild and domestic birds. He rivals the great masters Mongniez, Cololera and Pautrot in his modelling and detail.

Ason won honourable mentions and was awarded a bronze medal in 1877.

Reference: Kjellberg - Bronzes of the 19th Century.




Ascoli, Joseph

Joseph Ascoli (1847-1929)

Ascoli was a student of Chapu and was active at the Paris Salon between 1890 and 1909.Works of note include statuettes in plaster such as Clytie (1896), Gringoire (1898) and Auto Portrait (1901).

Aubé, Jean Paul
 Jean Paul Aubé (1837-1916)

Aubé was born in NE France and studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts.
He exhibited at the Paris Salon winning Gold Medals in 1874 and 1876 and was
awarded Hors Concours. He is known for his monument to Dante at the College
 de France in Paris. He also created a Monument to Leon Gambetta. Other notable 
works include allegories of Architecture and Painting, both cast in bronze.
Aurisicchio, Vincenzo

Vincenzo Aurisicchio (1855-1926)

Aurisicchio was born and worked chiefly in Naples. He exhibited his work at the Prima Biennale d'Arte Napoli in 1921 and at the Seconda Internazionale Romana in 1923.

Notable works include Bronzetti di Gusto Liberty and Sensazione in marble.


Badin, Jean

Jean Victor Badin

Jean Victor Badin studied under the noted sculptors Falguire and A Mercie at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He exhibited at the Salon d'Automne between 1927 -1938 and became a member of the Societé des Artistes Francais receiving an honourable mention in 1897 and at the Exposition Universelle in 1900.

Notable Works:  Arion (plaster) 1897; Sleeping Nymph (marble) 1899; Woman in Repose (plaster) 1902; Leda et le Cygne (bronze) 1927.

Balloni, Jean
Jean Balloni (Flourished late 19th/early 20th century)

Born in Massa, Italy, he studied under Mathurin Moreau and exhibited at the Paris Salon des Artistes Francais until 1922. In 1892 he received an honourable mention and in 1893 a bronze medal.


Barbieri, Gian Giacomo
Bareau, Georges
Georges Marie Valentin Bareau (1866-1931)
Barrias, Louis Ernest

Louis Ernest Barrias (1841-1905)

Barrias was a disciple of classicism but drawn to the charm of the renaissance and the innovative style of the Masters of the Romantic Period. He first exhibited a marble bust at the Paris Salon of 1861. Later that year he won a Prix de Rome with 'Odysseus Returning'. He enjoyed a sucessful career, winning medals in 1870 and 1878 and becoming a member of the Acadamie des Beaux Arts.



Barthelemy, Antoni
Born in Paris in the latter part of the nineteenth century Barthelelmy exhibited at the Salon d'Automne between 1914 and 1924. Otherwise little is known of his life and examples of his work are comparatively rare.
Barye, Alfred

Alfred Barye (1839-1882)

Alfred was born in Paris and was the son of Antoine- Louis Barye. Despite working under the shadow of his famous father Alfred was an accomplished sculptor in his own right. His most successful work being a series of race horses that were well received when exhibited at the Salons.

Alfred learned his craft while working in his father's studio and foundry and they had a sometime tempestuous relationship. Alfred sometimes signed his work A Barye or Barye which led to it being confused, intentionally or not, with that of his father's. At one point they reached an accord and he signed his sculpture A Barye fils.



Barye, Antoine-Louis
Antoine-Louis Barye (September 24, 1796-June 25, 1875) was a French sculptor most famous for his work as an animalier. Born in Paris, Barye began his career as a goldsmith, like many sculptors of the Romantic Period. After studying under sculptor Francois-Joseph Bosio and painter Baron Antoine-Jean Gros he was in 1818 admitted to the Ecole des Beaux Arts. But it was not until 1823, while working for Fauconnier, the goldsmith, that he discovered his true predilection from watching the wild beasts in the Jardin des Plantes, making vigorous studies of them in pencil drawings comparable to those of Delacroix, then modelling them in sculpture on a large or small scale. In 1831 he exhibited his "Tiger devouring a Crocodile", and in 1832 had mastered a style of his own in the "Lion and Snake." Thenceforward Barye, though engaged in a perpetual struggle with want, exhibited year after year these studies of animals--admirable groups which reveal him as inspired by a spirit of true romance and a feeling for the beauty of the antique, as in "Theseus and the Minotaur" (1847), "Lapitha and Centaur" (1848), and numerous minor works now very highly valued. Barye was no less successful in sculpture on a small scale, and excelled in representing animals in their most familiar attitudes. Examples of his larger work include the "Lion of the Column of July," of which the plaster model was cast in 1839, various lions and tigers in the gardens of the Tuileries, and the four groups--"War, Peace, Strength, and Order" (1854). In 1852 he cast his bronze "Jaguar devouring a Hare." Fame came late in the sculptor's life. He was made Professor of Drawings at the Museum of Natural History in 1854, and was elected to the Academy of Fine Arts in 1868. No new works were produced by Barye after 1869. The mass of admirable work left by Barye entitles him to be regarded as one of the great animal life artists of the French school, and the refiner of a class of art which has attracted such men as Emmanuel Fremiet, Cain, and Gardet.
Bastet, Victorien

Victorien Antoine Bastet (1853-1905)

Bastet came from a rural peasant family and began studing at the School of Design in Avignon before moving to Paris to study sculpture at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts under the tutelege of Dumont and Thomas.

 In 1881 he exhibited a statue 'Dying Vine' which won an honourable mention and then 'Source of Vaucluse'  in plaster which was awarded a bronze medal in 1882. Notable sculptures in bronze include 'Abandonee' (1891), Le Reveil de Manon (1899) and Manon (1905). Basted also sculpted two statuettes in marble entitled 'Cigale' (1891) and 'Sensitve' (1902).

Battiglia, Eugenio
Eugenio Battiglia

Battiglia was a Tuscan sculptor who flourished in the late Nineteenth and early Twentieth 
centuries. He had his studio in Florence and created figures and busts in alabaster and 
marble which were popular throughout Europe.
Baujault, Jean-Baptiste

Jean-Baptiste Baujault (1828-1899) French

Entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1852 and first exhibited at the 1859 Salon exhibition. As a sculptor he received several public commissions to work on commorative monuments and earned the Legion d'Honneur.

Museums and Galleries:

Musee d'Orsay:  Jeune Gallois (Marble)

Niort: Premier Miroir (Marble)






Baujault, Jean-Baptiste

Jean-Baptiste Baujault (1822-1899) French. Baujault entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1852 and had his first sculptures accepted for the Salon exhibition of 1859. His success and talent was recognised by the award of medals at the Paris Salons of 1879,1873 and 1878. During his career he worked on several public commissions, including some commemorative monuments. Later in life he was also awarded the Legion d'Honneur.

Museums and Galleries:

Musee d'Orsay - Jeune Gaulois (Marble)

Niort - Premier Miroir (Marble)


Bentivegna, Vicenzo
Vicenzo Bentivenga  (1879-1943)
Bergman, Franz Xavier
Franz Xavier Bergman  (1861-1936)
Bertaux, Leon

Mme Leon Bertaux, Nee Helena Hebert (1825-1909)

Daughter of sculptor Pierre Hebert, she was born in Paris, 14th July 1825. Helena trained under her father and Augustin Dumont giving her a technical competence and competitive edge unusual for a woman at that time. She first exhibited at the Salon in 1849 using the pseudonym of Allelit; and later at the Salon of 1857 using her married name- Bertaux.

Helena exhibited widely winning a Gold Medal from the Exhibition Universelle in Paris in 1889 and the hors concours designation. Many of her statues were acquired by the French state and can be seen in museums throughout France. Examples of her work are also found on the exteriors of churches, at the Opera, the Luxembourg museum and the Petit Palais in the Champs-Elysees.

In addition to her artistic pursuits Helena founded the Union of Woman Painters, Sculptors and Engravers in 1881 and was president of the union and editor of its monthly journal. She established the first sculpture school for women and set up awards for women artists. In 1896, after a long campaign to open the doors of the Ecole des Beaux Arts to women, she was finally elected to serve on the Salon jury.


Notable works include The Assumption of the Virgin in bas relief: a holy water basin depicting the Three Theological Virtues (purchased by the state 1861), an elaborate collection box entitled For the Poor, and Young Woman Bathing in marble, also acquired by the state and later executed in bronze.

Berthoz, Joseph
Joseph Berthoz
Bertone, Vittorio
Vittorio Bertone (1848-??)

Italian sculptor born in Torino. He exhibited at the Society for Fine Arts in Torino
and is known for his bust in marble of Pope Pius ix .
Binder, Carl

Carl Binder ( Flourished late 19th/ early 20th century)

Born in Brienz (Bern) in Switzerland. Binder exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais, notably with a bacchante in 1905. He was an associate member of the Societe Nationale and became a full member in 1914.

Later he exhibited busts and medallions up until 1921.

Reference: Benezit - Dictionary of Artists



Bitter, Ary Jean
Ary Jean Bitter (1883-1973)

Ary Bitter was born in Marseilles and studied  art before moving to Paris as a young man.
He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais from 1910 to 1939. He was awarded Silver 
Gold medals and earned Hors Concours status. In 1932 he was made a Chevalier of the 
Legion of Honour.
His sculptures often feature young maidens with goats, lambs or fawns and are notable for
their grace and simplicity.
Bizard, Suzanne

Suzanne Bizard (1873-1963)

Bizard was a life-long member of the Societe des Artistes Francais, where she exhibited until 1836. Her work consists of medallions, statuettes and busts and she was awarded an Honourable mention in 1900 and a bronze medal in 1913.

Blanchot, Leon Alexandre

Leon Alexandre Blanchot  (1868-1947)

Leon Blanchot left university to train as a sculptor at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Bordeaux. To pursue his career he then moved to Paris and regularly took part in the Salon des Artistes Francais.

His main works include St Agnes (1893), Leda (1895) and Regret (1896).



Blavier, Emile Victor
Flourished during the mid ninteenth century. Blavier studied sculpture at the Douai Academic School and later under Toussaint at his studio in Paris. His first exhibition was at the Paris Salon in 1852.
Bofill, Antoine

Antoine Bofill

Flourished late 19th century/ early 20th century. Bofill was born in Barcelona and studied at the Academie des Bellas Artes. He exhibited in Germany, Austria and in France at the Salon des Artistes Francais in Paris from 1894. In 1902 he was awarded a distinction and his works include L'Epave, Indien a Cheval and Arabe en Priere.

Boitel, Isidore

Boitel Isidore Romain (1812-1861)

Boitel was a pupil of David d'Angers and also of Pradier. He sculpted many busts including that of General Baron Petit which can be seen at the Versailles Museum

Bonheur, Isidore

Isidore Jules Bonheur (1827-1901)

Like other family members Isidore showed a great aptitude for drawing and modelling and was taught by his father. In 1849 he enrolled at the Ecole des Beaux Arts and exhibited regularly from then on. In 1875-6 he exhibited at the Royal Academy and won a gold medal at the Exposition Universelle of 1889. He sculpted many small bronzes of animals, chiefly sheep and cattle, often modelled to complement figures by his sister, Rosa, Those of his pieces cast by his brother-in-law Hippolyte Peyrol show exceptional quality.

Boure, Felix Antoine

Felix Antoine Boure (1831-1883)

Boure studied at the art academies of Brussels and Florence. His momumental commissions include a statue of  Cicero for the Palace of Justice in Brussels and a lion for the fortifications of the city walls in Antwerp. He exhibited at the Salon in 1874 with Child and Lizard, which is housed in the Brussels museum.

Reference: Benezit - Dictionary of Artists



Bouret, Eutrope

Bouret's father worked as an assembler in a foundry. He, himself, studied under Buhot and exhibited first at the Salon in 1875 and them right through to 1903.

He is known for his Psyche at the Court of Venus and a bust of the popular novellist Alex Bouvier on the latter's tomb at the Pere-la-Chaise cemetery in Paris.

Bracony, Leopold
An Italian sculptor who studied and exhibited in France. In 1915 he emmigrated to the United States.
Bremaecker, Eugene De

Eugene de Bremaecker (1879- 1964)

A Belgian sculptor, Bremaecker studied under Rosseau and Dillens at the Academy of Brussels. He was appointed a member of the Royal Society of Arts in London and exhibited at the Salon des Beaux Arts from 1910.



Bresciani, Oscar
An Italian sculptor from Pietrasanta, Tuscany who flourished in the late ninteenth/early twentieth centuries. He received several commissions for public sculpture from the city of Rome.
Breton, Paul

Paul Eugene Breton (1868-1932)

Born in Toulouse, Breton trained with Felix Charpentier and Falguiere and began exhibiting at the Salon in 1896. He sculpted mythological subjects and figures in plaster and marble, a very few of which were cast in bronze. Examples of his work include Gladiateur in plaster (1896), Salammbo (1900) in marble, and Suggestion in plaster (1913).

Breton became a member of the Salon des Artistes Francais and received a commendation in 1896 and a Silver medal in 1899.

Reference: Benezit - Dictionary of Artists

Brodauf, Friedrich

Friedrich Moritz Brodauf  (1872-1939)

Draughtsman and sculptor of the German Expressionist school. Brodauf studied at the School of Applied Arts in Dresden and then at the Chromolithographische Institute.

In 1907 he began working as a sculptor and in 1918 he was awarded the title of Professor by King Frederick of Saxony. He worked from his studio in Dresden and exhibited at the Art Exhibition Dusseldorf and at the Great Berlin Art Exhibition in 1907. The following year he showed work at the Glass Palace in Munich.

Notable Works:

                          Bacchatin  in bronze.

                          Dresden - Memorial to the Fallen of WW 1 1926

Brunnin, Charles

Charles Eugene Brunnin (1841-1887)

Charles Brunnin was a Belgian sculptor who contributed a bas relief panel 'Industrial Arts' to the Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Brussels. He also worked for a time in Italy and sculpted Neopolitan Fisher Boy in Rome circa 1865, later cast in bronze.

Bruyer, Leon

Leon Bruyer (1827-1885)

Born in Paris Bruyer studied under Rude and exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1860. Notable examples of his work include 'Virgin Asking her Son's Blessing on the World' and assorted busts.

Reference: Benezit - Dictionary of Artists


Buhot, Louis

Louis Charles Hippolyte Buhot (1815-1865)

Buhot was a talented sculptor whose career was cut short by his untimely death. He began his professional training as a pupil of David d'Angers and studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. He exhibited regularly at the Salon from 1837 right up to his death in 1865.



Bureau, Leon

Leon Bureau  (1866-1906)

Born in Limoges, Bureau studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and at the Atelier of the sculptor Falguiere. He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais from 1894.

 Bureau specialised in sculpting exotic animals and examples of his work include "Child with Crab" (1896) and Abyssian Lion and Lioness (1897).


Cain, Auguste
Auguste Cain (1821-1894)
Cain was born in Paris and studied under Rude and PJ Mene, whose daughter he married.
He exhibited at the Paris Salon between 1846 and 1888 and is known for his sculptures of 
wild and domesticated animals.
Calmels, Celestine Anatole
Celestine Anatole Calmels  (1822-1906)

Born in Paris but lived for most of his professional life in Portugal.  Admitted to the
Ecole des Beaux Arts in 1837. He studied sculpture under Bosio and Pradier.
In 1839 he was awarded the Silver medal at the Prix de Rome. He worked in bronze
and marble and received numerous public commissions in Portugal.

Museums:    Paris Louvre: Calypso (marble)
Campajola, Tomasso
Tomasso Campajola    Italian
Carles, Jean Antoine


Carles studied in Marseilles and Toulouse and then became a pupil of Jouffroy and Hiolle at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. He worked mainly in marble and plaster, sculpting the statues of Abel and Youth in Luxembourg Museum. His bronzes include Return from the Hunt and numerous portrait busts.

        He exhibited at the Salon from 1878 onwards, winning many prizes and the Grand Prix at the Exposition Universelle of 1889 and was made a Commandeur of the Legion of Honour.






Carlier, Emile
Emile Joseph Nestor Carlier (1849-1927)
Carrere, Fernand Ouillon
Fernand Ouillon Carrere (Early 20th century)

Carrere was a French sculptor active in the period 1910-1938.
He created a number of small statuettes characteristic of the period,
chiefly young female dancers and is particularly known for his Sword Dancer.

Carrier-Belleuse, Albert

Albert Carrier-Belleuse (1824-1887)

Carrier-Belleuse was a student of David d'Angers and studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. He debuted at the Salon of 1850 and then went to work for Minton in England between 1850-1856.

After returning to Paris his reputation grew and he received important commissions for work on the Louvre, L'Opera and the Tuilleries. Carrier-Belleuse was a prolific sculptor of busts, small groups and figures in a variety of materials including plaster, marble and bronze. Many of his busts appeared in terra-cotta.



Cartier, Thomas

Thomas Cartier (1879-1943)

Cartier studied with the noted animalier Georges Gardet. He received several awards including a Gold medal in 1927 at the Salon des Artistes Francais. He became known for his sculptures of dogs and big game, notably lions. He also exhibited at the Salon d'Automne.

Carvin, Louis


Louis Carvin

 1838 / 1913 French

 An animal sculptor and student of Fremiet & Gardet, Carvin exhibited regularly from 1894 to 1933. He became a member of the Societe des Artistes Francais and won a medal of honour in 1894. His subjects were often big game including lion and panthers as well as dogs and birds.

Cavelier, Pierre
Cavelier, Pierre

Pierre Jules Cavelier (1814-1896)

Cavelier studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris in 1831 and studied under P. Delaroche and David d'Angers. In 1836 he was awarded the second prize at the Prix de Rome for his Death of Socrates and in 1842 he won the Prix de Rome for Diomedes Removing the Image of the Goddess Pallas Athene from the Citadel of Troy.

He won many subsequent medals and was appointed to Professor at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1864, and to membership of the Institute.He then served on the admissions and awards jury for a number of years.


Museums and Galleries

Rouen: E. Perrin (bust).  Valenciennes: Model for the statue of Gluck

Caverac, V.F.
V.F. Caverac
Chapu, Henri

Henri-Michel-Antoine Chapu (1833-1891)

Chapu studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and was taught by both Pradier and Duret. He won the Second Grand Prize for engraving  in 1851 and the Grand Prize for scupture in 1855. Following this achievement he was able to live, study and work in Rome, only returning to France in 1861. In 1877 Chapu mounted an exhibition of his work at the Grafton Gallery in London.

Examples of his work can be found in many museums and on monuments in Paris, including the Sorbonne and the Opera.

Reference: Benezit - Dictionary of Artists

Charles Brunnin

Charles Eugene Brunnin (1841-1887)

Belgian sculptor who worked on the Royal Museums of Fine Arts in Brussels. The building was completed in 1887 and Brunnin designed a bas relief panel for 'Industrial Arts'. Also sculpted Neopolitan Fisher Boy which was cast in bronze circa 1870.

Charpentier, Felix

Felix Maurice Charpentier (1858-1924)

Charpentier studied under Cavelier at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris and exhibited at the Salon from 1884 winning several medals. He was regarded as one of the most outstanding sculptors of the day and his work expresses powerful sentiments and is characterised by freedom of expression and beauty of form.

Charron, Alfred

Alfred Charron (1863-1955)

Son of sculptor Amadee Charron who studied with Cavelier, Barrias and Coutan. He exhibited at the Salon Artistes Francais from 1883 and received a special commendation from the jury of the 1892 Salon.



Chatrousse, Emile

Emile Francois Chatrousse (1829-1896)

Chatrousse was apprenticed to a jewellery engraver at the age of eleven and later enrolled as a student of the painter Abel of Pujol. He was also attracted to sculpture at  a young age, exhibiting for the first time at the Salon of 1848, and joining the studio of Francois Rude in 1851. He was to become Rude's final student.

He sculpted busts and medallions and received civic commissions for the Louvre, the Museum of Versailles, the Tuileries and the Luxembourg Gardens. His principal works include La Resignation (marble) for the St Eustache church (Salon 1859), La Lecture (marble) 1877 and Jeanne d'Arc in bronze erected on the St Marcel boulevard, Paris in 1887.

His bronzes appear on the market in very limited numbers.




Chemin, Victor

Victor Joseph Francois Chemin (1825-1901)

A student of animal sculpture under A.L. Barye, Chemin exhibited regularly at the Salon between 1857-1894. As subjects he particularly favoured dogs, foxes and monkeys. His work appeared in wax, plaster and bronze.

Reference: Hachet - Sculpteurs Animaliers et Fondeurs



Christensen, Jeremiah

Jeremiah Christensen (1859-1908)

Danish sculptor who studied at the Kunstakadami in Copenhagen from 1883 to 1885. He was awarded the Stolenberg Scholarship in 1887 and used the funds to travel and work throughout Europe.


Christophe, Pierre
Pierre Robert Christophe (1880-1971)
Cipriani, Adolfo
Adolfo Cipriani (1880-1930)

Cipriani was an Italian sculptor known for his works in marble and alabaster.
He sculpted both portraits and allegorical figures.
Colinet, Claire

Claire Jeanne Roberte Colinet 

Claire Colinet was born in Brussels at the end of the 19th century but relocated to France and studied under Jef Lambeaux. A member of the board of Artistes Francais, she exhibited there from 1913 and received a commendation in 1914. Later she exhibited at the Salon des Independants between 1937-1940. She specialised in female statuettes and small groups in the chryselephantine tradition and was essentially a sculptor of graceful feminine figures and exotic dancers.

Collin, Alberic

Alberic Collin  (1886-1962)

 Of Belgian nationality Collin studied at the Academy of Anvers, the town of his birth. He began as a figurative sculptor and was just discovering his talents when he met Rembrandt Bugatti who was to have a major influence on the development of his career. Collin gave credit to Bugatti for his critical input which helped him to achieve his artistic aims.

From this period onwards Collin sculpted animals exclusively  and the influence of Bugatti can be seen in his treatment of form and the importance  he placed on  the character and feelings of the animals he modeled. From 1922 until 1927 he exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais, winning a bronze medal in 1922.








Columbo, Renzo

Renzo Columbo-Grange ( - 1885)  Italian.

Columbo was born in Milan and was a student at the Academie de Florence. He exhibited for a short time at the Paris Salon before returning to Italy. Notable works include 'Socrates before his Judges' (1884) and a bust of Napoleon 1 (1885).



Comolera, Paul
Paul Comolera (1818-1897)
Costoli, Leopoldo
 Leopoldo Costoli (1850-1908)
                                               Leopoldo was the son of Aristodemo Costoli, a notable
 sculptor who lived and worked in Florence. Leopoldo himself studied at the Academia di 
Belle Arti de Firenze. He sculpted busts, portraits and received commissions for public 

 Notable Works:
                           Monument to Niccolo Tommaseo
                           Bernardo Cennini (San Lorenzo, Florence)
                           Museo della Specola: statue of Galileo Galeili
Cottrau-Fokker, Annie

Annie Cottrau- Fokker  (1887-1948)

Born in Kediri in  Indonesia.

Dutch figurative sculptor who worked in both marble and bronze.

Coudray, Georges Charles
Georges Charles Coudray 
Crichna, C A
C. A. Crichna - Austrian sculptor fl. 19th Century.
Croisy, Aristide


Aristide Croisy travelled to Paris at the age of sixteen. One year later he was admitted to the Ecole des Beaux- Arts and studied under Toussaint and Dumont. In 1863 he won the Second Prize of Rome for his bas-relief Nysus et Euryale and started to exhibit at the Salon from 1867. He won a first class medal in 1885 and was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour.

A prolific sculptor who created allegorical and genre figures his subjects also include historical groups and portraits of contemporary figures. He is also the creator of many commemorative monuments and worked for the city of Paris on public works including the City Hall.




Cumberworth, Charles

Charles Cumberworth (1811-1852)

Cumberworth trained at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts from 1829 and exhibited at the Paris Salon between 1833-1848. He was commissioned to create  a sculpture of Marie-Amelie, Queen of France, in plaster at Salon of 1842. He also sculpted a statue of the Duc de Montpensier in marble (Salon 1847).

Cumberworth also worked for the Susse Freres company and worked in plaster, bronze and marble.


D'angers, David, Pierre Jean

    David (Pierre Jean) D'Angers  (1788-1856)

He was born in Angers in 1788. His father was a wood carver and ornamental sculptor, who had joined the volunteer Republican army as a musketeer, fighting against the Chouans of La Vendée. He studied in the studio of Jean-Jacques Delusse and in 1808 traveled to Paris to study in the studio of Philippe-Laurent Roland.
While in Paris he did work both on the Arc de Triomphe and the exterior of the Louvre. In 1810 he succeeded in taking the second place prize at the École des Beaux-Arts for his Othryades. In 1811 David's La Douleur won the École's competition for tête d'expression followed by his taking of the Prix de Rome for his Epaminondas in the same year. He spent five years in Rome, during which time he frequented the studio of Antonio Canova and made small trips around Italy to Venice, Naples and Florence.
Returning from Rome around the time of the restoration of the Bourbons and their accompanying foreign conquerors and returned royalists, David d'Angers would not remain in the neighborhood of the Tuileries, opting instead to travel to London. Here John Flaxman and others took him to task for the political sins of David the painter, to whom he was erroneously supposed to be related.
With great difficulty he made his way to Paris again, where a comparatively prosperous career opened before him. His medallions and busts were in much request, as well as orders for monumental works. One of the most famous of these was that of Gutenberg at Strassburg; but those he himself valued most were the statue of Barra (Joseph Bara), a drummer boy who purportedly continued to beat his drum until the moment of death in the war in La Vendée, and the monument to the Greek liberator Markos Botsaris.
Monument to General Gobert (Père Lachaise)
David's busts and medallions were very numerous, and among his sitters may be found not only the illustrious men and women of France, but many others both of England and Germany countries which he visited professionally in 1827 and 1829. His medallions number over 500.
David's fame rests firmly on his pedimental sculpture for the Pantheon, his marble Wounded Philopoemen in the Louvre and his equestrian monument to General Jacques-Nicolas Gobert in Père Lachaise Cemetery. In addition to that of Gobert, he did sculptures for seven other tombs at Père Lachaise, including the bronze busts of writer Honoré de Balzac and physician Samuel Hahnemann.
In the Musée David in Angers is an almost complete collection of his works either in the form of copies or in the original moulds. As an example of his benevolence of character may be mentioned his rushing off to the sickbed of Rouget de Lisle, the author of the Marseillaise Hymn, modelling and carving him in marble without delay, making a lottery of the work, and sending to the poet in the extremity of need the proceeds.
Of Reviving Greece, his monument to the Greek liberator Markos Botsaris, showing a Greek child reading his name, Victor Hugo said, "It is difficult to see anything more beautiful in the world; this statue joins the grandeur of Pheidias to the expressive manner of Puget."
David d'Angers gallery, Musée des Beaux-Arts, Angers
Musée Carnavalet, Paris
Musée de la Vie romantique, Paris
D'Orsi, Achille
Achille D'Orsi  (1845-1929)
Dakon, Stefan
Stefan Dakon (1904-1997)
Dargaud, Victor Paul


Exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1873-1885. Chiefly known as a painter of landscapes and still lifes his sculpture is very scarce.


Daumier, Honore

Honore Daumier (1808-1899)

A brilliant cartoonist, strong republican, painter and sculptor Daumier cast a merciless but humourous eye over the world of politics, law and finance. He was celebrated for his lithographies published in contemporary journals. His paintings were less well-known than his sculpted work, which was cast after his death and remind us of his precious talent. His epitaph reads "a good man, a great artist and a great citizen".

The Busts of the Parliamentarians

Modeled in terra cotta and painted in the 1930's the parliamentarians measure between 12.5 cm and 23.5 cm high. There are 36 caricature portraits which Daumier sold to Charles Philippon. In 1927 Maurice Le Garrec bought the busts and has them repaired by the sculptor Fix-Masseau. The Barbedienne foundry cast them in lost wax from 1929-1952. In the 1970's the Valsuani foundry made three new castings for Madame Le Garrec and her two daughters, Mme Henyer and Mme Cordier.

De Ferranti, Domenica

Domenica de Ferranti

Born in 1986 in London, Domenica de Ferranti studied under Charles H Cecil in Florence, Italy. There she studied the work of Old Masters whilst focusing on portrait painting and sculpture. Since returning to London, she works predominantly as a sculptor, dividing her time between her own work and undertaking portrait commissions.

For the most part Domenica's work is cast in bronze but she also works in marble, plaster and wax. She has done various trips to the Middle East, Central America and Africa which inform much of her recent work.

Domenica's work is in private collections in the UK, Europe, America and Asia. Recent group and solo exhibitions include Sladmore Contemporary, London, 2012; 'Artists of Fame and Promise', Lloyds Club, London, 2012; The Society of Portrait Sculptors, Cork Street, London, 2012; Solo Exhibition, Glebe Place, London, 2011; Solo Exhibition, The Hollywood Road Gallery, London, 2011.

She has won various awards including 'The Jackson Sculpture Prize', Chelsea Art Society, 2010; 'The Tiranti Prize', Society of Portrait Sculptors, 2009 and 'The Young Artist Award, Society of Women Artists, 2009.

De Gheest, Maurice
Maurice David Gabriel de Gheest 
De Keyser, Jean
Jean Baptiste De Keyser (1857-1927)
De Locle, David
David HJ Ducommun De Locle  (1804-1884)

De Locle, known as Daniel, Studied under Baron Bosio and entered the Ecole des Beaux Arts 
1821. He exhibited at the Paris Salon between 1839 and 1863, winning a First Class medal in 1846.

Notable Works:   Music (statue) for the new Louvre
                          Cleopatra at the Tuilleries
                           Raimbaud 111 for the city of Orange
De Tombay, Alphonse

Francois Bernard Marie Alphonse de Tombay (1843-1918)

De Tombay was born in Liege on November 9 1843 and died in Brussels Jan 31 1918. He was the son and pupil of Alexandre de Tombay and specialised in busts of Belgian personalities. He won an honourable mention and a bronze medal at the Expositions of 1878 and 1889 respectively.

De Wever, Auguste

Auguste De Wever  ( 1836-1910)

Born in Brussels De Wever was a sculptor and medallist who worked with Charles Wiener and exhibited at the Brussels Salon.


Debut, Jean Didier
Jean Didier Debut (1824-1893)
Delabrierre, Edouard

Delabriere, Edouard Paul (1829-1912)

Delabriere was an animalier sculptor who exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1848-1882. Taking inspiration from AL Barye, Delabriere's sculptures were realistic, and popular in both the UK and USA during the Nineteenth Century. His favourite subjects were dogs and big cats and he was awarded an honourable mention in 1859 for his sculpture of a Panther and Heron.

In 1865 the Salon showed his Tiger du Bengal and he continued to sculpt horses, hunting dogs and large mammals. Delabriere was a member of the Societé des Artistes Francais and is the author of  L'Equitation,  depicting a horse and two putti which adorns the facade of the Palais du Louvre. His usual signature is E. Delabrierre.


Delaplanche, Eugene

Eugene Delaplanche (1836-1891)

Delaplanche studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and first exhibited at the Paris Salon of 1861. He won the First Grand Prix du Rome for sculpture and went to live and work in Italy. He worked in marble and bronze and received many commissions; working for L'Opera, the Sorbonne and Bordeaux cathedral. He won a Salon medal in 1878 and a First Class medal at the World Fair in the same year.

Denecheau, Séraphin

Séraphin Denecheau (1831-1912)

Denecheau studied under noted sculptors David d'Angers and Francois Rude and exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1839.He sculpted portrait busts and mythological and allegorical subjects.  He received many public commissions and worked on major projects including the Louvre and L'Opera in Paris.

Noted works include Femme Caressant une Chimere shown at the Exposition Universelle of 1867, Diane sur un Croissant de Lune, and a statue of Jules Cesar exhibited at the Salon of 1869.

Deplechin, Valentin

Valentin Eugene Deplechin (1852-1926)

Deplechin studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris and was a student of Delaplanche. He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais and received an honourable mention and a third class medal in 1893. At the World Fair in 1900 he won a bronze medal.

In 1894 he sculpted 'Intoxication' for the Chateau d'Engrain and other works include 'Faun & Bacchante' (1881) and the Fountain of Bacchus (1894).





Descomps, Joseph
Joseph Descomps (Cormier) (1869-1950)
Detrier, Pierre Louis
Pierre Louis Detrier (1840-1890)
Devaulx, Francois

Francois Theodore Devaulx (1808-1870)

Devaulx enrolled at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris 1823. He exhibited at the Salon from 1845 to 1872 and won the Second Grand Prix de Rome in 1833.

During his career he worked for the Val-de-Grace and for the Louvre and in 1849 exhibited Cavalier Grec et son Cheval in plaster, winning a Second Class medal.

Notable Works:

                         Signing of the Magna Carta (1860), George Washington.

Drouot, Edouard

Edouard Drouot ( 1859-1945)

Drouot studied under Emile Thomas and Mathurin Moreau and exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1889. His work is distinguished by a great variety of themes and a strong sense of movement and expression, making him one of the most exceptional sculptors of the late 19th / early 20th centuries. He sculpted both male and female figures as well as busts and mythological subjects.

Notable bronzes include L'Amour Naturel, Baigneuse, L'Echo, La Fortune and Homme combattant un fauve. A number of his pieces were cast by the Thiebault foundry








Dubois, Paul

Paul Dubois (1827-1905)

Dubois was the great-nephew of well-known sculptor Jean-Baptiste Pigalle but originally intended to become a lawyer. In 1858 though he enrolled at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris to study art but left after only a year. He embarked on a four-year trip to Italy and spent much of that time in Florence and was greatly influenced by the Florentine sculpture of the Renaissance. His Chanteur Florentin in 1865 won him much praise and assured his reputation as a sculptor.

In 1873 Dubois became curator of the museum of Luxembourg and a Director of the Ecole des Beaux Arts in 1878.



Alfred Dubucand (1828-1894)

A student of A.L. Barye, Dubucand did not begin exhibiting his work until 1867. He worked in wax and produced a number of plasters which were cast in bronze. The most notable of these were often equestrian and hunting groups on an Orientalist theme.





Flourished late 19th / early 20th century. French sculptor but very few records or details of his career - still being researched.



Flourished latter part of 19th century. Little information remains about this sculptor but it is known that he (presumably) created the figures of children for the Opera  and worked on the ceilings of the Louvre in Paris.

Dumaige, Henri Etienne

Etienne Henri Dumaige (1830-1888)

Dumaige studied sculpture under Feuchere and Dumont. He exhibited his sculptures depicting groups, statues, and busts at the Salon from 1863-1886. He is most well known for his statuettes of dancers. . He sculpted a large number of busts, groups and statuettes in marble, plaster and bronze, including statuettes of Desmoulins and Rabelais.

In 1864 he exhibited a group in bronze entitled " L'age d'or", a statue in bronze, "Hero", in 1864, "Retour des champs" in 1866, a marble bust of Moliere in 1872, a statuette entitled Francois Rabelais in terracotta in 1873, a statue in marble for the city hall in Tours in 1880, "Camille Desmoulins" in plaster 1882, and "Patrie", a bronze in 1886. Different works were cast in bronze, in particular, dancers, as well as works entitled, Salome, and Esmeralda, and also a grenadier of 1792 entitled Apres les combat, a reduction of Camille Desmoulins.


Lami, S. Dictionnaire des Sculpteurs de l'Ecole francaise (1921)MacKay, J. A dictionary of Western Sculptors in Bronze, 1976
Berman, H. Bronzes- Sculptors and Founders, 1987
Forrest, M., Art Bronzes, 1988
Kjellberg, P. Bronzes of the 19th Century, A Dictionary of Sculptors, 1992.

Duret, Francisque

Francisque Duret (1804-1865)

Duret studied with his father, Francis, and with Bosio. In 1823 he won the first grand prize of sculpture together with Augustin Dumont. The following year he began to travel in Italy and in 1831 sent his first pieces to the Salon, notably Mecure inventant la lyre. A trip to Naples inspired his famous Jeune Pecheur dansant la tarentelle.

Duret's work combines elements of classical antiquity filtered through the Florentine Renaissance and sometimes tinged with a romantic influence.




Durham, Joseph
Joseph Durham (1814-1877)

Durham was born in London and exhibited his first piece of 
sculpture at the Royal Academy in 1835. His bust of Queen Victoria
was widely praised and in 1858 he won the commission for the
memorial to the Great Exhibition of 1851. He is particularly noted 
for his figures of young boys engaged in sporting activities.


Etcheto, Jean

Jean-Francois Etcheto (1963-1889)

Born in Madrid to French parents, Etcheto moved to Bayonne at the age of 7. In 1878 he left for Paris to work in the studio of the sculptor Carpeaux. This was followed by further training at the Ecole des Beaux- Arts.

 In 1881 he exhibited for the first time - winning a Bronze medal and a travel bursary. At the Salon of 1883 he received a silver medal but his early death curtailed a promising career.


Fagel, Leon

Leon Fagel ( 1851-1913)

Fagel studied at the Academic School of Valenciennes and at Cavelier's studio at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts, Paris. In 1879 he won the first Grand Prize of Rome with ' Tobie rendant la vue a son pere'. He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais from 1878 to 1893 and then at the Societe Nationale des Beaux-Arts from 1895  to 1911.

As a sculptor Fagel received a number of government commissions and worked on monuments in Paris. The museum in Valenciennes houses two of his important works: La Premiere Ofronde d'Abel (137 cm in marble) and Le Petit Tambour de Wattignies.

Falguiere, Alexandre

Alexandre Falguiere   (1831- 1900)

In 1854 Falguiere entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and trained in the prevailing classical style. He exhibited his first statuette at the Salon of 1857 and then won the Prix de Rome in 1859.

After moving to the Academie in Rome he stayed for five years and sent his work back to the Salon, including Vainqueur de Combat des Coqs, which was one of the most successful debuts in memory. The reputation of this gifted sculptor continued to grow and he worked with the Thiebault Freres foundry to produce some wonderful bronzes.

Fauginet, Jacques August

Jacques August Fauginet (1809-1847)

Fauginet first studied medal engraving at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris before turning his energies to the study of sculpture. In 1831 he won the Second Prize of Rome and exhibited a the Salon until 1846. He created a number of busts, medallions, plaques and statues as well as animal groups - principally horses. He was also commissioned for important large-scale works including the monument to Florian (1839) for the cemetery at Sceaux and a statue of Massillon (1843) for the fountain of Saint-Sulpice.

Notable works include:

Le Cheval Sylvio (1834) in bronze.

Chasseur Africain Combattant une Lionne (1836) in bronze.

Sweeper, Cheval de Chasse, pur Sang Anglais (1836) in bronze.

Fiot, Maximilien

Maximilien Louis Fiot  (1886-1953)

Fiot studied sculpture under Prosper Lecourtier and began a career as an animalier sculptor. He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais winning a bronze medal in 1911 and a silver medal in 1913. His chief interest were dogs, birds and horses and much of his work was cast in bronze by the Susse Foundry. 

Notable works include Cheval de Course, Loustalot et Rustaut (a pair of dogs) and Chien Briad Assis (seated wolfhound).

Fix-Masseau, Pierre Felix
Excellent sculptor who created some fine work, particularly "Le Secret" in bronze.
Franceschi, Jules
Jules Franceschi  (1825-1912)
Fratin, Christophe


Fratin was the son of a taxidermist which helped him acquire a sound knowledge of animal anatomy. He began his studies under the sculptor Pioche and was later accepted as a pupil by the celebrated painter Gericault, and moved to Paris.

Fratin edited most of his sculpture himself but having no foundry of his own executed a lot of his work in plaster. Those of his bronzes that still exist are of excellent quality, mostly cast at his own expense in the workshop of the Quesnels, but also later in his life by the founder Daubre.

Exhibiting for the first time at the Salon of 1831 his entry was a horse listed as an English Thoroughbred. Horses were among his best subjects and his career was boosted by his subsequent popularity in England. Fratin also enjoyed consdierable success in France and received commissions from Germany, Austria and the USA. A large eagle group and their prey is in Central Park, New York. At the Great Exhibition of 1851 in England he received a medal describing him as the greatest animal sculptor of his day.

Frémiet, Emmanuel
Emmanuel Frémiet (December 6, 1824 - 1910, in Paris, France) was a French sculptor. He is famous for his sculpture of Joan of Arc in Paris (and its "sister" statue in Philadelphia) and the monument to Ferdinand de Lesseps in Suez. He was a nephew and pupil of Rude and chiefly devoted himself to animal sculpture and to equestrian statues in armour. His earliest work was in scientific lithography (osteology), and for a while he served in times of adversity in the gruesome office of painter to the Morgue. In 1843 he sent to the Salon a study of a Gazelle, and after that date worked prolificly. His "Wounded Bear" and "Wounded Dog" were produced in 1850, and the Luxembourg Museum at once secured this striking example of his work. In the 1850s, Frémiet produced various Napoleonic works. In 1853, Frémiet, "the leading sculptor of animals in his day" exhibited bronze sculptures of Emperor Napoleon III's basset hounds at the Paris Salon.[1] Soon afterwards, from 1855 to 1859 Frémiet was engaged on a series of military statuettes for Napoleon III. He produced his equestrian statue of Napoleon I in 1868, and of Louis d'Orlans of 1869 (at the Château de Pierrefonds) and in 1874 the first equestrian statue of Joan of Arc, erected in the Place des Pyramides, Paris; this he afterwards (1889) replaced with another and still finer version. During this period he also executed "Pan and the bear cubs", also acquired by the Luxembourg Museum and now in the Musée d'Orsay. In the meanwhile he had exhibited his masterly "Gorilla Carrying off a Woman" which won him a medal of honour at the Salon of 1887. Although praised in its time, this work now evokes ridicule from some observers for its depiction of a gorilla abducting a nude woman, presumably with the intention of raping her - something not totally alien to actual gorilla behaviour, but orangutans, especially, have been recorded attempting to abduct female humans. Accordingly, this act has caught the public's imagination, as witnessed by the repeated popularity of the King Kong theme. Of the same character, and even more remarkable, is his "Ourang-Outangs" and "Borneo Savage" of 1895, a commission from the Paris Museum of Natural History. Frémiet also executed the statue of St Michael for the summit of the spire of the Eglise St Michel, and the equestrian statue of Velasquez for the Jardin de l'Infante at the Louvre. He became a member of the Acadmie des Beaux-Arts in 1892, and succeeded Barye as professor of animal drawing at the Natural History Museum of Paris.
Froment-Meurice, Jacques

Jacques Froment-Meurice (1864-1948)

Son of the renowned goldsmith Emile Froment-Meurice. Although he specialised in animalier bronzes he combined his work with prestigious commissions for monuments such as the Monument to Chopin from 1906 in Paris' Parc Monceau
 He studied sculpture under Henri Chapu and travelled extensively in Europe and Africa. Exhibiting regularly at the Salon in Paris he received a commendation in 1892.

Inspired by his african adventures he created a series of sculptures of donkeys known as "Les Gestes des Anes" (Signals of Donkeys).

Fuller, Charles Francis

Charles Francis Fuller (1830-1875)

In 1853 Fuller resigned from the British army and travelled to Florence. He worked with the American sculptor Hiram Powers, established his own studio and made Florence his home. He sculpted portraits and designed memorials and also exhibited at the Royal Academy between 1859 and 1875.

Notable works include Napoleon on Horseback (1856), Rhodopis (1862) in marble and Europa and the Bull in marble.

Museums:  Smithsonian - Hiram Powers (plaster), Victoria and Albert- Centurion in terracotta (donated by Princess Louise).


Gardet, Georges

Georges Gardet (1863-1939)

Gardet studied under Aime Millet and Fremiet and created powerful animal sculptures. His initial promise was revealed in the Panther and Lion group in the Parc Montsouris in Paris which was shown at the Salon des Artistes Francais in Paris in 1887. This helped to establish him as a worthy successor to Barye and Mene. Other notable works include Tiger and Bison decorating the entrance of the Museum de Laval.

Gardet reveived many awards: a commendation in 1886; a bronze medal in 1887; a silver medal in and a travel bursary in 1889. He was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour in 1896 and awarded Officer status in 1900.

At the Expostition Universelle in Paris in 1900 he received the Grand Prize for a group of lions and a group of tigers, both executed for the Chateau Vaux-le-Vicomte. He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais of which he became a member. In 1918 he was made a member of the Academy des Beaux-Arts.

Museums and Galleries:

Bucherest (National Art Museum of Romania): Two Panthers

Hamburg: The Precursor

Paris (Orsay Museum): Panthers Fighting

Reference: Benezit - Dictionary of Artists

Garraud, Gabriel Joseph
 Gabriel Joseph Garraud  (1807-1880)

 Garraud was a native of Dijon and exhibited group compositions at the Paris Salon
 1838-1875). He won a bronze medal in 1838 and a silver medal in 1844. He was appointed 
 Director of the Ecole des Beaux Arts in 1848 and is remembered for his marble statue of 
 the Marquis de Laplace in the Paris Observatory.

 Museums & Galleries:
                                   Dijon: Orpheus
                                   Versailles: C. de Thou - First President of the french parliament  
Gasq, Paul
Paul Gasq (1860-1944)

Gasq studied at the Dijon School of Fine Art and at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. He won the first Prix de Rome in 1890 and won a Grand Prix at the Exposition Universelle in 1900.
His subjects were often on a classical or allegorical theme and memorable works exhibited at the Salon from 1880 include Hero et Leandre, Orphee (1894) and La Gloire (1898). He also executed the sculpture 'Summer and Winter' for Whiteleys department store in Bayswater, London.
Gaudez, Adrien

Adrien Etienne Gaudez  (1845-1902)

Gaudez studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts and first exhibited his work at the Salon of  1864. He sculpted several monuments to the war dead of 1879, having been a prisoner of war himself. A number of smaller bronzes were cast for the domestic market including Pro Patria (1884), le Genie de l'electricite (1897) and Le Faucheur (1899).



Gauquie, Henri

Gauquie Henri Desire (1858-1927)

A pupil of Cavalier he first exhibited in 1860, receiving several civic commissions including for the lights of the Alexandre the third bridge, Paris.

Gautherin, Jean

Jean Gautherin (1840-1890)

Gauthein studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris under Gumery and Dumont and exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1865. He won medals in 1868,1870 and 1873 and was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour in 1878. He specialised in portrait busts, allegorical figures and sculpted several monuments in Paris.

Museums and Galleries:

Bordeaux - Awakening

Paris (Museum de Petis Palais) - Paradise Lost

Reference: Benezit - Dictionary of Artists

Gayrard, Paul
Paul Gayrard (1807-1855)
Gechter, Jean-Francois
Jean-Francois Gechter (1796-1844)
Gemito, Vincenzo
                             Vincenzo Gemito  (1852-1929)
Germain, Jean Baptiste

Jean Baptiste Germain (1841-1910)

A pupil of Dumont and Gumery, he exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1866 to 1909. A member of the Salon des Artistes Francais from 1889 and winning an honourable mention at the Expostion Universelle in 1900. Noted works include Dido, Aeneas and Joan of Arc in bronze.

Reference: Benezit - Dictionary of Artists

Gerome, Jean Leon
French romantic painter and sculptor, Gerome presented his first sculpture at the Salon in 1878. He admired Francois Rude and was encouraged in his training by Emmanuel Fremiet.
Giraud, Henri
Henri Giraud  (?- 1895)
Glen, Robert

Robert Glen was born in Kenya in

1940 and his interest in art and natural history formed at an early age. A fascination with birds and all living things led him to the Nairobi Museum of Natural History. It was at the museum where he met the curator of ornithology, John Williams and quickly established a long and enduring friendship that greatly influenced his life’s work.

At the age of 14, Glen was invited to serve as an expedition assistant to Mr. Williams, collecting research specimens of birds for European museums. Two  years later, he was accepted to serve a three-year apprenticeship in the renowned  taxidermy studio of Coloman Jonas in Denver, Colorado. It was here that his interest in sculpture and design took hold. Returning home, Robert began a transition from taxidermy to sculpting animals in the European tradition of Animaliers, working in various media before casting his first bronze in 1970.
Rob's work has met with great success worldwide and is represented in many private collections, including her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, His Highness the Aga Khan and the late Kenyan President Jomo Kenyatta. He has had many solo exhibits all over the world.

Glen’s public commissions  include one of Texas’ proudest monuments and one of the largest equestrian sculptures in the world, the Mustangs of Las Colinas in Irving, Texas.
In 1990,  Glen completed another commission for the city of San Jose, California depicting Thomas Fallon raising of the first American flag over California.

Robert's true love of the African bush led him to Tanzania's Ruaha National Park where he continues to sculpt and sketch
in close proximity to some of Africa's most engaging wildlife.

Godet, Henri

Henri Godet  (1863-1937)

French sculptor of busts and medallions who also worked in stone and marble. Godet also reproduced some sculptures from antiquity but is best known for his busts of beautiful women - all with a flower motif.

Notable works include "Petit Frileux" (1883) and Vanite (1886) both in terra cotta, "Printemps" and "Hiver" (1886) and Ophelie in marble (1901).

Gory, Affortunato
Affortunato Gory  (Active 1895-1925)
Gossin, Louis

    Louis Gossin (1842-1928)

Gossin was born in Paris and exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1877. He won many awards including a Silver medal in 1886. At the Expositions Universelle in 1889 and 1900 he was awarded Silver medals.

Notable works include Orpheus and David and Goliath.

Museums: Toulouse - Love

Gower, Ronald
Lord Ronald Sutherland Gower (1845-1916)
Gratchev, Alexei

Alexei Petrovitch Gratchev (1780 - 1850)

Russian sculptor of rural scenes often depicting cossacks, horses and country folk. His best-known works include horse-drawn carriages (troikas) and a romantic scene of a cossack on horseback kissing his sweetheart farewell.

 His best bronzes were cast by the Werfoel foundry in St. Petersburg and stamped in cyrillic. The Susse foundry in Paris also cast some of his work.

Greber, Henri

Henri Leon Greber 1855- 1941

Descended from a family of sculptors and architects, his father Johan Greber a ceramicist and sculptor migrated from Austria to Beauvais, France. Henri studied at the Academie Julian with Mercie and then entered the studio of Fremiet, with whom he collaborated for the rest of his career. He executed many public commissions and was awarded a First Class medal in 1903.

Musee d'Orsay - Mercie et Gerome

Ref:  Les Salons de 1909 - Gazette des Beaux-Arts 1909 vol. 2

Gregoire, Jean-Louis

Jean- Louis Gregoire (1840-1890)

Gregoire was the son of a chisler and studied under Samson. He exhibited at the Salon from 1867 and became one of the first Associates of the Artistes Francais.

His work includes figures of Mozart and Joan of Arc as well as busts of contemporary personalities. Also of note are some mythological subjects particularly Perseus and Andromeda and Psyche. After 1870 he created some sculptures in a patriotic vein.

Many of his pieces were cast in bronze by the Susse Foundry and he also worked in marble.




Grevin, Alfred

Alfred Grevin (1827-1892)

Grevin was a draughtsman who designed costumes for the theatre, as well as illustrations for books and journals. He is also associated with the waxworks at the Musee Grevin in Paris, which he founded.

Several of his designs were realised in bronze by the Czech sculptor Friedrich Beer (1846-1912) who came to France in 1875 and settled in Paris.





Gumery, Charles Alphonse
 Charles Alphonse Gumery (1827-1871)

 Gumery was a well known sculptor and medallist. He exhibited at the Paris salon winning
 many medals, including the 1850 Prix de Rome for the Death of Achilles. He was also 
 commissioned to work on many of the sculptures for the L'Opera in Paris.
 Notable works include Return of the Prodigal in marble.

                   Anges: The Dance (stone)
                   Liege: Adolescence (marble)


Hannaux, Emmanuel

Emmanuel Hannaux (1855-1934)

Hannaux studied under the sculptors Dumont, Thomas and Bonnassieux. He won second place in the Prix de Rome of 1880 and first exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais in Paris in 1878. He was awarded numerous medals as well as the Croix de la Legion d'Honneur in 1900 for the Exposition Universelle. He won the prestigious Medal of Honneur at the Salon in 1903.


                   London (Wallace Collection): Sir R. Wallace - marble bust.

                   Paris (MNAM-CCI): Le Poete et La Sirene

Herbert, Emile

Pierre-Eugène-Émile Hébert (1823 – 1893)

 Herbert was a French sculptor and the son of sculptor Pierre Hébert. He studied both with his father and with Jean-Jacques Feuchère (1807–1852). Émile Hébert participated in the Salon de Paris and the Exposition Universelle (1855), created the allegorical statues La Comédie and Le Drame for the vaudeville theatre in Paris, and was awarded a Second Class Medal in 1872. Émile Hébert was one of the few sculptors to work with the renowned bronze fondeur Georges Servant, and their artistic collaboration resulted in pieces of the Neo-Grecian and Egyptian Revival style.
Hingre, Theophile

Theophile Hingre (1832-1911)

Chiefly an animalier sculptor Hingre debuted at the Salon of 1863 and exhibited right up to 1910. He sculpted small groups and some figures and won a Bronze and Silver medal at the Expostion Universelles of 1889 and 1900.

Reference: Kjellberg - Dictionary of Bronzes of the   19th Century

Homan, Margot

Margot Homan

Margot Homan was born in Oss in the Netherlands & educated at the Tilburg Academy for fine Arts.

After some years of teaching at the Markendaal College, Margot decided to follow her artistic vocation full-time. Her work is represented in many private and public collections at home and abroad. In November 2012 Queen Beatrix unveiled Margot’s bronze statue of Marga Klompe at the University of Tilberg to celebrate the 100 th anniversary of the birth of the first female Dutch minister.

Margot considers many factors and experiments a great deal in the preparatory stages of working. The sculpture then assumes a form in which the concept is expressed in great detail and springs from Margot's fascination for the human condition.

This same passionate dedication means she personally supervises the casting and finishing of her work in bronze and marble. This all happens at the Mariani Foundry in Pietrasanta in Tuscany, where the works of the great Columbian sculptor Fernando Botero are also created. It is in Italy also that Margot finds the beautiful variety of marble she uses for her sculptures and pedestals.

Hudelet, Henry Paul
Henry Paul Hudelet (1849-1878)

French sculptor born in Langres, where he studied at the School of Fine Art. He later continued
his training at the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris under A. Dumont. He exhibited a statue at the 
Salon of 1876 and a bronze medallion in 1877. 

Austrian/German sculptor flourished late 19th / early 20th century. The life and work of this sculptor is being researched.


Idrac, Jean Antoine
Jean Antoine Idrac (1849-1884)

"Antonin" Idrac travelled to Paris aged 17 to work in the studios at the Ecole des Beaux Arts.
A talented sculptor he won the First Prize of Rome in 1873, and exhibited Salammbo in plaster 
in 1881. It was carved in marble the following year and later cast in bronze.

                       Lille:  L'Amour Pique
                       Paris, Musee d'Orsay: Mecure Inventant la Caducee
                       Musee de Toulouse:  Salammbo



Jacquemart, Henri Alfred

Henri Alfred Marie Jacquemart  (1824-1896)

Jacquemart studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris from 1845 and exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1847-1879 with animal sculptures. He travelled in Egypt and Turkey and was commissioned by the city of Alexandria to sculpt a large statue of Memhet Ali and also many monuments in France. 

Particularly of note are his bronze animalier works and public works include the two griffons at the fountain of St. Michel and the Rhinoceros at the front of the Musee d'Orsay.


Kinsberger, Sylvain
Sylvain Kinsberger (1855-1935)

French sculptor who exhibited at the Paris salon from 1878 and became a member 
of the Societe des Artistes Francais. Won many medals including a Bronze at the 
Exposition  Universelle in 1900.
Klotz Edmund
 Edmund Klotz (1855-1929)

 Klotz was an Austrian sculptor who worked in Italy and France, often on large religious
pieces, although he did create some smaller sculptures.

 Notable Works:   Breitenfeld Church - Pieta
                                                                  - Four Evangelists


L Morelli
                    L. Morelli
Italian sculptor, flourished in early 20th century, although little is known about him.
Morelli worked in Florence in the early twentieth century and was associated with the Galleria Romanelli. He is known for his beautifully carved marble sculptures of young women, executed in the finest Carrara marble. 
Lanson, Alfred Desire

Alfred Desiré Lanson (1851-1898)

Lanson studied at the Ecole des Beaux Arts, Paris and was a pupil of Rouillard, Jouffroy and Millet. He exhibited at the Salon from 1870 to 1987 and won the first Grand Prize of Rome in 1876 with Jason and the Golden Fleece, which he sent to the Exposition Universelle in 1878.

A fine sculptor, Lanson won many medals culminating in the Grand Prix at the Exposition of 1889 and was made a Chevalier of the Legion of Honour in 1882. His work can be seen at the Museums of Calais and Orléans.








Laporte, Emille
Emille Laporte (1858-1907)

French sculptor who was a student of Augustin Dumont and Louis-Ernest Barrias.
He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais from 1881 until 1905.
Larche, Raoul

Raoul Larche (1860-1912)       French

One of the most remarkable sculptors of the Art Noveau period, Larche studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and debuted at the Salon of 1884. He won the Second Prix de Rome in 1886 and had great success with his sculpture of Loie Fuller. He later won a bronze medal and travel scholarship in 1890 and a gold medal in 1893.

Larche received official commissions for Paris monuments including the group La Musique at the Grand Palais and is best remembered for his bronzes and glass lamps in the forms of famous dancers such as Fuller and Isadora Duncan. In 1900 he won a Gold Medal at the Exposition Universelle.


                      Bordeaux: Bacchus

         Paris, Petit Palais: Fleur des Pres Bronze)

Laurent, Eugene

Eugene Laurent (1832-1898)

Laurent was born in Gray (Haute- Saone) in 1832 and died in Paris in 1898. He created the bronze statue of Jacques Callot as a monument for the city of Nancy and sculpted the statue of Francois Boucher in the Paris city hall.

He began his career as a pupil under Coinchon and first exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1863, having earlier won the prix de tete d'expression at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts.

Notable works include a stature in bronze of Psyche in 1886, Jeanne d'Arc executed in marble in 1890, and two bronze statuetttes - Jeune Faucheur and Pecheur.


Blanche Laurent-Berbudeau  (1877-  )

Born in Paris Blanche Laurent studied with Denis Puech. She exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais and was awarded an Honourable Mention in 1901 and a Medal in 1908.

Reference: Benezit - Dictionary of Artists



Lebourg, Charles

Lebourg Charles Auguste (1829-1906)

Born in Nantes and died in Paris. Lebourg studied under Rude and Amedee Menard and exhibited at the Salon from 1852, winning medals in 1853,1859 and 1868. He specialised in religious and classical bas-reliefs and groups. He also sculpted busts and portrait medallions of contemporary French celebrities as well as being the author of much civic sculpture in Paris




Lecourtier, Prosper

Prosper Lecourtier (1851-1924)

Lecourtier studied in Paris under the tutelage of Fremiet and Coutant but little is known of his life. His work in entirely devoted to animal sculpture - dogs, horses, birds and big game. He exhibited regularly at the Salon almost every year from 1875 to 1924 and collaborated with Hippolyte Moreau on a number of works.

Notable works:

Cheval Arabe (1879), Chienne (1883), Lionne (1907) and Lion au Repos (1911).


Gueret: Lion Rugissant sur un Rocher (bronze and marble)

Tarbes, Museum Foch: Coq Gaulois (gilded bronze).

Lefever, Edmond

Edmond Florimond Lefever  (1839-1911)

Belgian sculptor who was born in Ypres in 1839 and died in Brussels in 1911. He studied under H. Thoris at the Ypres Academy and sculpted five statues for the Drapers Hall in that city.

Notable works include  Pecheur a Cheval and Femme en Cape.

Museums:         Ypres: First Mourning.

Lemaire, Hector

Hector Joseph Lemaire (1846-1933)

Lemaire studied at the Academic School in Lille before moving to Paris to continue his education under notable sculptors Dumont and Falguiere. He won the Wicar competition, named after painter Joseph Wicar (1762-1834) enabling him to move to Rome for four years.

On his return to France he sculpted many important works and worked on the facade of the Petit Palais - symbolising Les Heures. He also created a stone statue Le Soir for the gardens of the Tuileries, and contributed to the tomb of Marie d'Orleans.

 From 1869 he exhibited work at the Paris Salons, often plasters of allegorical characters but also busts of historical or contemporary figures. A very select number of his works were cast in bronze, two by Barbedienne and four works by the Susse foundry.

 Notable works include :

Samson Trahi par Delila (1878), L'Amour Filial (1881), Le Matin (1882), Sauvée (1888), L'etoile de Berger (1902).

Lemaire won many awards and medals throughout his career and these include: 

1878  Prix du Salon / II Class medal

1882  I Class medal

1889 Exposition Universelle  Gold Medal

1900 Expostion Universelle Gold Medal

Museums & Galleries:

Paris, Luxembourg Museum: Le Matin

Dieppe: Young Mother

Langres: Love of Nature's Blessings, Andromeda, Psyche.

Limoges: Pleasure, The Wave.

Leroux, Gaston

Gaston Leroux (1854-1942)

A student of Francois Jouffroy, Leroux was a regular exhibitor at the Paris Salon, winning honourable mentions in 1882 and 1883. At the Expostions Universelle in 1889 and 1900 he was awarded bronze medals. As well as bronze Leroux also worked in terra cotta and plaster.

Inspired by the ethnographic findings of the mid ninteenth century in Egypt he sculpted subjects from North Africa including, Aida, Rebecca, Buste d'Otello (1888) and Charmeur de Serpent (1889).





Levasseur, Henri

Henri Louis Levasseur (1853-1934)

Levasseur studied under Eugene Delaplanche and Emile Thomas and exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais in Paris. In 1882 he was awarded a distinction and won medals in 1885 & 1889. At the Exposition Universelle in 1889 he won a bronze medal and at the Expositions of 1898 and 1900 he won a first class and silver medal respectively.

Museums and Galleries:

Copenhagen: Delaplanche on his Death Bed (plaster).

Rheims : After the Battle

Levy, Charles
Charles Octave Levy (1820-1899)  French
Lipchitz, Samuel
Samuel Lipchitz (1880-1943)

Polish sculptor who moved to Paris to work and live.  A great artist and sculptor
of the Art Deco style, he is known for his elegant and stylish pieces.
Loiseau- Rousseau, Paul
Paul Louis Emile Loiseau-Rousseau (1861-1927)

Julien Lorieux (1876-1915)

Lorieux studied at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and received instruction from both Mercie and Falguiere. He proved his early promise when he won two Grand Prix de Rome awards in sculpture and engraving. He also won a travelling scholarship.

His work consisted of portrait busts and genre figures such as the Young Alpinist. His figure Sainte Catherine in marble was purchased by the city of Paris. Unfortunately his career was cut short when he was killed on the western front during World War 1.




Lormier, Edouard

Edouard Lormier (1847-1919)

Lormier was born in St. Omer and died in Paris in 1919. He studied under Jouffroy at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts and exhibited at the Salon from 1866. He specialised in statues and busts of contemporary personalities, also creating classical statuettes - Academia, Sappho & Historia.

A highly regarded sculptor he received many public commissions and worked on commemorative  monuments - Jacqueline Robin (heroine of St. Omer), La Victoire de 1793 for Dunkerque, Aux Sauvetons for Calais.

Lugli, S

S. Lugli

Flourished late 19th / early 20th century.  Presumably of Italian origin but exhibiting in France, this sculptor's details are being researched.



Luca Madrassi (1848-1919)

Born in Tricesimo, Italy, Madrassi was a student of Cavalier and the Ecole des Beaux Arts in Paris. He debuted at the Salon des Artistes Francais from 1881-1896 and at the Nationale from 1896 specialising in bust, statuettes and allegorical groups

 He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais from 1881-1896 and at the National Salon from 1896.

A member of the Societe des Artistes Francais he received numerous Honourable Mentions and was awarded a medal in 1896.

 Notable Works: Madeleine (1880), La Paix (1893) and Le Baiser (1901)



Mage, Francois

Francois Mage

Mage was born in Chalon-sur-Saone in France and died in 1910. He studied under the noted sculptor Francois Rude and exhibited at the Paris Salons of 1861 and 1875. He sculpted in a characteristically Romantic manner and his other works include a bronze study of Hercules wrestling a lion and the figure of an Armourer standing at his anvil.

Maignan, M

M, Maignan

Flourished late 19th/ early 20th century. Little is known about this sculptor's life and background. However, his body of work consists of a number of busts and allegorical figures, including "Fortune" in guilded bronze and "La Vague".



Marioton, Claudius
Claudius Marioton (1844-1919)
Marioton, Eugene
Exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1882 and worked mainly with male subjects achieving both strength and movement.
Masson, Clovis

Clovis Masson (1838-1913)

Clovis Edmond Masson studied under the sculptors Santiago, A.L. Barye and Rouillard. He exhibited regularly at the Salon de Paris, often in plaster or wax, with a focus on big game and deer and his lions and tigers are particularly noteworthy. In 1890 he was awarded an honourable mention.

Museums and Galleries:

Nimes - Chevreuil au debuche


Masson, J.E.

Jules Edmond Masson (1871-1932)

The son and student of Clovis Masson followed his father's footsteps and became an animalier sculptor. He took as his subjects Oriental scenes and equestrian works. He exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1890 and worked in wax, plaster and bronze.

Reference: Kjellberg - Dictionary of 19th century Sculptors


Massoule, Andre
Andre Massoule (1851-1901)

French sculptor who exhibited regularly at the Paris Salon from 1878.

Notable works include;
 Genie & Trident, Alexander 111 bridge. Sword of Valour
Matton, Arsene
Arsene Matton (1873-1933)
Melingue, Etienne

Etienne Marin Melingue (1808-1875)

Student of Odelli and of Bochard, he first exhibited at the Paris Salon in 1852. He won a third class medal and continued to participate up until 1855. As well as being a sculptor Melingue was also an accomplished actor and a painter of miniatures. He made the bust of Pierre-Aime Lair which was inaugurated in Caen in 1859.


Caen: Moliere

Paris, Decorative Arts :

Mene, Pierre-Jules

Pierre-Jules Mene (1810-1871)

Mene was a prolific sculptor and was probably the most successful commercial artist creating animal bronzes of the period. Born into a family of artisans, his father was a metal turner, he grew up in the Fauborg-Saint-Antoine district of Paris. This was an area with a high concentration of skilled workers employed as furniture makers, metal workers and sculptors.

Dominique Mene was able to teach his son the rudiments of foundry work, chiseling and the principles of sculpture. Further study with the sculptor Rene Compaire helped to refine a natural aptitude and Mene also worked diligently at sketching and studies of animals in the zoo at the Jardin des Plantes. Using these he went on to create maquettes and then bronzes which he cast himself and which captured the fleeting movement and detail in a superb realistic style.

He exhibited at the Salon in 1838 for the first time with a group 'Dog and Fox' in bronze and also set up his own foundry the same year. His skill was quickly recognised and he received the first class medal on two occasions, as well as many other awards including the Cross of the Legion of Honour in 1861.

Two painters influenced Mene, the French painter Carle Vernet and the English painter Landseer and this expressive romanticism can be seen in his work, although he also developed an individual naturalistic style.

Examples of Mene's work are now in the Louvre and other French museums and also the Ashmolean in Oxford. After exhibiting at the Great Exhibition of 1851 and 1862 to great acclaim, it is no surprise that Mene became particularly popular in England and that much of his work came here.

Mercie, Antonin
Antonin Mercie (1845-1916)
Michel, Gustave
Gustave Michel (1851-1924)

Unknown 19th century sculptor - probably French
Moigniez, Jules

Jules Moigniez (1835-1894)

Moigniez studied under Comolera and worked as an animalier sculptor. He debuted at the Salon of 1855 and exhibited there regularly until 1881. His father was a metal-gilder who established a bronze foundry in 1857 and cast his son's work. As a result the foundry work and finishing are usually of  a high quality.



Monier, Julien
Julien Monier ( ???-1915)

French sculptor who exhibited a few pieces at the turn of the century and whose career was 
cut short by his untimely death.
Moreau, Auguste
Auguste Louis Mathurin Moreau (1834-1917)

Third son of sculptor and painter Jean Baptiste Moreau and known for his graceful and elegant sculptures. Auguste exhibited at the Paris Salons from 1861 and showed his work right up to 1913.
Museums at Bordeaux, Dijon and Reims house examples of his work.
Moreau, Hippolyte Francois

Hippolyte Francois Moreau (1832-1927)

The second son of a notable family of sculptors and painters from Dijon, France. Hippolyte worked in Paris under Jouffroy and his first sculpture was shown at the Salon of 1859. Like his brother Mathurin he was adept at sculpting graceful female figures. He also used some of the same models as his brother Louis for his charming bronze studies of children.

In addition to bronze Hippolyte also worked in marble and won a medal in 1877. At the Exposition Universelle in Paris in 1900 he was awarded the bronze medal.

Moreau, Jean Baptiste
Jean Baptiste Moreau (1797-1885)
Moreau, Mathurin

Mathurin Moreau (1822-1912)

Born November 1822 in Dijon and died February 1912 in Paris.

Son and pupil of Jean Moreau, Mathurin entered the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in 1841 and worked with Ramsay and Dumont. He occupies a distinguished positon amongst 19th century sculptors and is known for his realistic and graceful figures. His chief works include:  President Carnot (marble)- monument at Dijon; Marguerite d'Anjou (bronze)- Angers.

Mathurin won the second Prize of Rome in 1842. He exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1848 and won first class medals in 1859,1861,1863. He also won Expostion Universelle awards in 1855 and 1867, achieving the Gold Medal in 1889.

Further honours came in 1900 when he was declared hors concours and made an Office of the Legion of Honour.

Moro, H
H. Moro


Octobre, Jeremie Aime

Jeremie Aime Octobre (1868-1943)

Octobre studied under Gauthier, Cavelier and Coutan. He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais and won the Prix de Rome in 1892, a second class medal in 1897 and a first class award in 1899. At the Expostion Universelle in 1900 he was presented with a silver medal and in 1925 he became an officer of the Legion of Honour.

A figurative sculptor he specialised in allegorical and genre groups.






Ogé, Pierre

Pierre Marie Francois Ogé (1849-1913)

Pierre Marie Francois Ogé was the son of  sculptor Pierre Marie Ogé and followed in his father's footsteps. He trained under the tutelage of Carpeaux and Eudes and exhibited at the Paris Salon winning honourable mentions in 1880, 1883 and 1885. At the Paris Expostion Universelle in 1900 he was awarded a bronze medal and later became Professor at the National Institute for the Deaf and Mute.

Notable works that were cast in bronze include Marguerite circa 1885 and Le Lierre (Ivy) circa 1900.

Omerth, Georges


Almost nothing is known of this sculptor and even his nationality is unclear. Omerth often incorporated ivory into his bronzes and he often chose military figures and children as his subjects. Examples of his work are housed at the Museum of Reims.




Paillet, Charles

Charles Pailett (1871-1937)

Paillet was a French animal sculptor who studied with Georges Gardet. He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais from 1897. His talent was rewarded with medals in 1902 and in 1904

Pandiani, Adelaide

Adelaide Pandiani was born into a family of sculptors which included her father, John, and uncles Innocent and Augustine. She began her studies under the tutelage of her father before moving to the Academy of Florence under the guidance of Giovanni Dupre. Subsequently she worked in Lugano and Rome and exhibited at the Universal Exhibition of Paris in 1867 and 1878, when she introduced her masterwork, Sappho.



Paris, Auguste

Auguste Paris (1859-1915)

Paris began his career as a sculptor working on large-scale monuments and figural groups including Danton on the Boulevard Saint Germain in Paris. Paralysis of his legs meant that he could no longer continue  this work and so he turned to sculpting on a smaller scale.

Notable works include "Le Temps et La Chanson" (1885) in marble and "Liberte de 1879" in bronze.





Pautrot, Ferdinand


An animal sculptor, Pautrot participated at the Salon from 1861-1870. He specialised in hunting scenes. His bronzes include Setter and Teal, Setter and Partridge, Spaniel and Teal, Seated Setter and Seated Pointer.

Unfortunately his career was curtailed by his untimely early death.



Pavie, Jean

Jean Pavie (1878-1828)

Pavie was an accomplished lithographer as well as an amimalier sculptor. He is known for works including 'Young Girl and Doe' and 'Donkey'. Much of his work was cast by the Valsuani foundry and he also modelled some figures for the Sevres factory.



Peiffer, Auguste
Auguste Joseph Peiffer (1832-1886)
Peter, Victor

Victor Peter (1840-1918)

Born in Paris on December 20 1840, he died there in 1918. Peter studied under Vital-Cornu and Devaulx and is known as a landscape painter. He also painted portraits and sculpted busts and medallions, although most of his small bronzes are animal subjects.

He began exhibiting at the Salon in 1868 and showed bronzes and bas reliefs from 1873 onwards. He won second class (1898) and first class (1905) medals as well as bronze and gold medals at the Expositions of 1889 and 1900 respectively. In 1900 he was also awarded the Legion of Honour. Examples of his work can be found in the museum at Caen and include Zanzibar Lion (1875), Cockerel and Grazing Sheep.

Reference: Benezit - Dictionary of Artists

Petrilli, Astride
Professore Astride Petrilli (1868-1930)
Peyrol, Hippolyte

Hippolyte Peyrol (1856-1929)

Son of sculptor and founder Hippolyte Peyrol (senior) and Juliette Bonheur, sister to Rosa and Isidore. Hippolyte studied with Isidore Bonheur  and debuted at the Salon of 1881 and exhibited there regularly. In 1883 he became a member of the Salon des Artistes Francais and won honourable mentions in 1883,1886 and 1889 as well as a First Class medal in 1894.He worked in plaster, marble and bronze.

Museums and Galleries :

Bordeaux - Boat

Paris (Museum de Petit Palais) - The Struggle


Odile Philippart-Champeil  (1860- -)

Odile Philippart was born in Le Havre in 1860 and studied under the sculptor J.B. Champeil, whom she later married.

Towards the end of the ninteenth century she exhibited small bronzes at the Salon des Artistes Francais. In 1913 she was awarded a third class medal.



A. Piazza-Carrara 

Late 19th/ early 20th Century

Italian figural sculptor who worked in Italy and south of France. Commissioned to sculpt bust of J.M. Delpech Professor of Academy of Medicine in Montpellier, now housed in the museum there. Further work of note includes  marble figure of Cupid rendered from W.A. Bouguereau's painting 'L'Amour au Papillon' in 1888.






Picault , Emile Louis

Picault Emile Louis (1833-1915)

Picault had a remarkable career spanning some fifty years during which time the  pieces he sculpted were cast in bronze by different foundries including Colin and Susse Freres

. He actively exhibited  at the Paris Salons from 1863-1909. His subjects were mainly male figures on allegorical, historical, mythological and patriotic themes. He took a great deal of care in the accurace of his historical pieces, reproducing the finest details . His work was cast by the best of the Paris foundries and he is one of the most widely-known and dramatic Romantic sculptors.






Pilet, Leon
Leon Pilet (1840-1916)

Pilet was a French sculptor and medallist known for his depiction of classical
subjects in bronze. He also sculpted religious and historical figures and
is known to have worked in marble and ivory.
Pinedo, Emile

Emile Pinedo ( 1840-1916)

Pinedo was both  a founder and sculptor producing work of the finest quality.

Pradier, James

Jean Jacques Pradier (1790 -1852)

Known as James, this swiss-born sculptor left for Paris in 1807 to work with his brother who was an engraver. He won the Prix de Rome and studied in Paris from 1814-1818, later becoming a Professor at the Ecole des Beaux Arts.

Pradier achieved renown as a sculptor, receiving public commissions and acclaim. Although his work bears signs of neo-classicism he also infused his pieces with elements of romanticism and was a friend of the Romantic poets Alfred de Musset and Victor Hugo.

Exampes of this work are housed in the Louvre and the City Museum of Geneva.






Prost, Maurice

Maurice Prost (1894-1967)

Prost initially trained as a goldsmith before losing his left arm to amputation following a severe injury in the 1st World War. He then re-trained as a sculptor under the guidance of Charles Valton. He submitted his first works to the Salon des Artistes Francais in 1922 and continued to show his work, particularly at the Salon d'Automne, right up to 1966.

He achieved considerable success, especially for his sculptures of panthers.

Puech, Denys

Denys Puech  1854-1942

Puech started to exhibit his work at the Paris Salon in 1875 and showed a number of busts and figures in bronze and marble. He also worked on commissions for public buildings and monuments, including the facade of the Opera Comique. He founded a museum in Rodez in southern France, the Musee Denys-Puech which houses some of his most important work.

Pugi, Guglielmo

                    Guglielmo Pugi (1850-1950)

 Pugi was born in Fiesole, Italy and his statue Umberto 1 stands in the square of his home town. He sculpted figures and busts in marble from his studio in Florence from 1870, assisted by his sons Gino and Fiorenzo. His works were exhibited at the World Fairs of Buffalo and St. Louis in the USA in 1901 & 1904.

Museums :  Volterra, Italy : Collection of figures & busts

Notable Works:  Bathing Nymph ; Rebecca at the Well

Putnam, Brenda

Brenda Putnam (1890-1975)

Putnam first studied sculpture at the Boston Museum Art School from 1905-1907 and then with James Fraser for a year. She continued her studies at the Art Students League in New York and also at the Corcoran Art School in Washington DC. 

She first exhibited her work in 1911 and worked on sundials and other garden ornaments during the 1920's. In 1922 she won the Barnett prize at the National Academy of Design.

Following a trip to Florence in 1927, she returned to New York and received many commissions including a memorial to the women of Virginia in Lynchberg.

Putnam was a member of the National Academy of Design and a fellow of the National Sculpture Society. She also wrote The Sculptor's Way.


Quinton, Eugene

Eugene Quinton (? - 1892)

Quinton was born in Rennes and studied in Paris under Cartellier and debuted at the Salon in 1877. He won a bronze medal in 1884, a silver medal in 1888 and a bronze medal at the Expostion Universelle in 1889.

Reference: Lami - Dictionary of Artists of the French School.


Remondot, Marius

Marius Remondot (1867 - unknown)

Remondot trained and worked as sculptor in France. He became a member of the Societe des Artistes Francais in 1908 and exhibited at their Salons, winning a bronze medal also in 1908.


Renda, Giuseppe
Giuseppe Renda  (1862-1939)   Italian
Rene Bulens
Rene Bulens

French sculptor flourished late Nineteenth/ early Twentieth centuries.
Bulens exhibited two busts - Candour and Springtime at the Paris Salon of 1881.
The following year he showed First Mirror, a statuette in Carrara marble.

Notable Works:
First Mirror (marble), Springtime (bust), Nymph on Rock (marble)
Revillon, Jean-Baptiste
Jean-Baptiste Revillon (1819-1869)
Riche, Louis

Riche Louis (1877-1949)

Exhibited first aged just ninteen Riche's favourite subject were cats, including the domestic variety and lions. He became a member of the Salon des Artistes Francais and won medals in 1903,1905,1924.

Rieder, Hans
                                  Hans Rieder
Ringi, Harald
Harald Sorensen Ringi (1872-1912)
Riviere, Théodore

Théodore Riviere (1857-1912)

A sculptor of mythological subjects, nudes and Orientalist themes; Riviere was a pupil of Mercie and Falguiere at the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris. He exhibited from 1876, winning many awards including a Gold Medal at the Expostion Universelle in 1900. He created the Monument - Glory to France in Hanoi.

Museums: Paris (Musee d'Orsay) : Salambo at Matho's

Rochard, Irénée
Irénée Rochard     French  (1906-1984)
Rossi, Eduardo

Eduardo Rossi (1867- 1926)

Italian sculptor born in Naples and studied at the Academy there under Achille d'Orsi.

Notable works:  Dante (1900)  in bronze and ivory.


Rousseau, Emile Francois
 Emile Francois Rousseau
                                       A french sculptor born in 1853 but otherwise there is very 
 information about his life and career. We do know that he was a figurative sculptor who 
 created allegorical pieces including, "Nymphe et Amour" and a number of historical figures
 - Napoleon a Austerlitz. Other favourite subjects include musicians "Le Guitarist Anglais" 
and "Jouese de Mandoline".


Sandoz, Edouard-Marcel

Edouard-Marcel Sandoz (1881-1971)

Sandoz was the scion of a Swiss chemicals dynasty and initially trained as a chemist and physicist. However, he found his true vocation as a sculptor and moved to Paris in 1905 to study under Injalbert at the Ecole des Beaux Arts.
It was as an animalier sculptor that Sandoz excelled, although he also designed jewellery and painted. He worked in bronze, stone and marble and created sculptures noted for their attractiveness and popular appeal.


Lausanne:  Great Dane (1914 marble); Head of Panther (1925-1930 lost wax)
Paris, Musee d'Orsay: Portrait of A. Willette

Sassone, Antonio
Antonio Sassone (1906-1983)
Saulo, Georges
Georges Ernest Saulo (1865-1945)

Austrian/ German sculptor flourished late 19th / early 20th century. The life and work of this sculptor is currently being researched.
Schmidt-Felling, Julius
Julius Schmidt -Felling (1835-1920)
Schoenwerk, Alexandre

Pierre Alexandre Schoenwerk  (1820-1885)

A student of David d'Angers, Schoenwerk first exhibited in Paris at the Salon. A talented sculptor he won first class medals in 1861,1863 and also a medal at the Expositon Universelle of 1878.

He enjoyed the patronage of Princess Matilde and became very popular. However, in 1885 the Salon refused his Salome and he threw himself out of his window. He died the next day.

Museums:    Lyon : Dawn

                Geneva : Henri the Lion



Sighieri, Enzo
Enzo Sighieri (1868-??)

                       Mme. Lucie  Signoret-Ledieu (1858-1904)

A pupil of Jean Gautherin, Signoret-Ledieu was a pupil of Jean Gautherin and exhibited at the Salon de Paris from 1878. She won honourable mentions at the Salons des Artistes Francais of 1883 and 1886. Her statue of Joan of Arc stands in St. Pierre-le- Moutier in Nervers

Notable works:  Source 

Museums :     Chambery: Woman Spinning

Soldini, Antonio

Antonio Soldini (1854-1933)

Soldini trained as a stone mason and enrolled at the Brera Academy in 1873. He then worked under Vincenzo Vela and by 1877 had established himself as a sculptor in Milan, exhibiting busts in stucco and marble.

1881 Exhibition of Fine Arts Milan - Portrait of a Man

1884 National Artistic Exposition Venice - high relief in marble Selvaggina (hunting scene)

He later worked on commissions in France and sculpted tombs in Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris.

Dizionario degle Artisti Italiani - Gubernatis

Steinlen, Theophile
Swiss-born Steinlen gained French citizenship in 1901. Sculptor, painter and Illustrator, his chief theme was cats of all breeds.
Sudre, Raymond

Raymond Sudre (1870 - )

Born in Perpignan, Sudre was a sculptor, medallist and painter. He studied under Falguiere and Mercie and took part in group exhibitions in Paris from 1894 at the Salon des Artistes Francais where he was declared hors concours in 1896. He also exhibited at the Salon d'Hiver, of which he was president, and at Montpellier.

In 1900 he was awarded the Prix de Rome and won a Gold medal in 1926. Becoming a Chevalier Legion d'Honneur in 1914 and an Officier in 1938.


Taka Aki
Taka Aki
Tereszczuk, Peter
Peter Tereszczuk (1875-1963)
Tharel, Leon

                                  Leon Tharel

 1858-1902 French

Tharel exhibited from 1882-1899 with work such as ‘Pifferano’ (1885) in bronze, ‘Cosette’ in plaster and ‘Sans Souci (1886) in marble. The figure of a young violinist without a care in the world was his most successful sculpture.

Tourgueneff, Pierre
Pierre Nicolas Tourgueneff (1853-1912)


Ugo, Antonio

Antonio Ugo (1870-1950)

Born in Palermo, Ugo was a celebrated sculptor winning many awards during a long and successful career. An honorary member of the Academy of Fine Arts. Palermo.

Ulrich, J

J Ulrich

Austrian sculptor active between 1915 and 1930 who worked in bronze and ivory and sculpted small figures.


Valton, Charles


Valton studied under Barye and Levasseur and was exclusively an animalier sculptor. He first exhibited at the Salon of 1868 and won a second class medal in 1885 and medals at the exposition of 1889 and 1900.

       Valton specialised in sculpting big game, notably Lions and Tigers, as well as more exotic creatures such as Mamoth and Polar Bear.





Van der Kemp, John Mayne
John Mayne Van der Kemp

Little biographical information exists about this sculptor. It's possible that he was American
with links to Philadelphia, although other sources say he was German. He certainly spent time 
in Paris in the latter part of the 19th century and executed some sculptures in terracotta and 

 Notable Works:
                              Pierrot (1871) in marble
                              Panthere a L'affut (1890)
Van der Straeten, Georges

Georges Van der Straeten (1856-1926)

Sculptor who worked in Paris from 1883-1928 and exhibited at the Salon from 1912 onwards. He created a number of  busts and portraits and gracious feminine figures which echo the style of some 18th century sculptors , particularly Watteau.



Vanetti, Antonio

Professor Antonio Vanetti

Italian sculptor who flourished from 1900 to 1920. Noted for equestrian pieces including Roman Charioteer, his bronzes were cast in Florence and Rome.

Verlet, Raoul

Raoul Verlet (1857-1923)

Born in Angouleme, France. Verlet studied sculpture under Cavelier, Barrias and Jouffroy. He exhibited at the Paris Salon from 1880 winning a second class medal in 1887. As a sculptor he was admired and respected for his work on classical themes.

 In 1889 he was awarded a gold medal and at the Exposition Universelle in 1900  the Grand Prix medal of honour. At this time he also became an Officer of the Legion of Honour and a member of the Intstitue of Beaux Arts in 1910.

Vichi, Ferdinando
Ferdinando Vichi (1875-1945)
A talented and well-known Italian sculptor associated with the Bazzanti Gallery in Florence.
Vichi worked with Cesare Lapini and Gugeliemo Pugi. His works were inspired by Orientalist,
Classical and Renaissance themes.
Villanis, Emmanuel

Emmanuel Villanis (1858-1914)

Born in France to Italian parents Villanis studied at the Academia of Turin from 1871. He returned to France to work and began exhibiting at the Paris Salon from 1886. Inspired by a love of music and opera Villanis also drew on certain elements of mythology, Orientalism and the Art Noveau movement for his subjects.

Best known for his busts of women, capturing beauty tinged with melancholy, he also produced some full-size figures and a number of groups. These figures and busts display a characteristic style and are usually titled.



Vogt, Adelgunde

Adelgunde Vogt (1811-1892)

Adelgunde Vogt was a Danish artist who specialised in sculpting animals. She studied with Herman Freud in 1837 and Bertel Thordvaldsen in 1840. She won the Academy Awards Neuhausen prize in 1839 for her Cow with Suckling Calf.

In 1843 she was nominated for membership of the Academy but, in an era when female sculptors were almost unheard of, she was only allowed an honourary membership.

Her 1863 work Two Horses Standing is exhibited in the National Gallery of Denmark.


Watrin, Etienne
Etienne Watrin (Died 1915)
Weekes, Henry
Henry Weekes (1807-1877)
Weigele, Henri
Henri Weigele  (1858-1927)

Weigele studied under the noted sculptor Jules Francesi (1825-1893). Like his tutor, he
won many medals including a Bronze medal in 1907 and a Silver medal in 1909. 
He exhibited at the Salon des Artistes Francais and became a member of the Society in 

                        Liverpool:  Athenian Woman (marble and bronze)
                    Paris, Orsay:  Chauchard Assis (gilded bronze)
Willis-Good, John

John Willis-Good (1845-1879)

Willis-Good's studies of horses and equestrian subjects are amongst the finest achievements in British animalier sculpture. He exhibited at the Royal Academy in London from 1870 until just before his death, aged just 34, in 1879. His work was popular among the horse racing fraternity and he often sculpted commissioned portraits of his patrons' favourite horses.

His pieces are quite scarce and highly sought after by collectors of animalier works.





Zambaco, Marie

Marie Cassavetti Zambaco  (1843-1914)

British artist and model of Greek descent. She studied at the Slade School under Alphonse Legros and in Paris under Auguste Rodin.

In the 1880's she worked as a sculptor and the British Museum holds four of her medals. She exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1887 and at the Arts & Crafts Society in 1889, as well as the Paris Salon.

As a model she was favoured by the pre-raphaelites and sat for Edward Burne-Jones, James Whistler and Dante Rossetti.

Ziegleer, Wilhelm
Wilhelm Ziegler (1857 -  )