Le MineurLevy, Charles
FootballerDrouot, Edouard
HistoireVillanis, Emmanuel
CupidGamba, Battista Giovanni
Jeune FilleNelson, Alphonse
DanteBlavier, Emile Victor
MineralogisteReusch, Friedrich
Wheat HarvesterMoaai
DianeGasq, Paul
Troubadour [SOLD]Battiglia, Eugenio
Femme au Drapée [SOLD]Battiglia, Eugenio
MargueriteOgé, Pierre
Sword of Valour [SOLD]Massoule, Andre
MephistopholesDe Wever, Auguste
InnocenceLaporte, Emille
The BatherLeroux, Gaston
Le PenseurMonier, Julien
Amazon Vaincue [SOLD]Aizelin, Eugene
Woman and Child
CentrepieceMoreau, Auguste
Maiden and GoatMorlon, Alexandre
Young MaidenGory, Affortunato
Lady with Sphinx [SOLD]Moreau, Mathurin
Maiden with Goats [SOLD]Garraud, Gabriel Joseph